Got Home Movies?

Movie projectors make bad noises…

This one is choppy and not optimized… but it’s a family movie my grandparents made when I was about 3 years old…  This film was shot in 1968 in New York and in California.  My brother Sal is in the beginning of the film,  He’s the baby, and I’m the blonde kid.  Both of my parents and grandparents are in this film, my Great-Uncle Frank and Great-Aunt Alma, my Great-Uncle Joe and other Great Aunts and Uncles who I don’t recognize after 41 years.

I remember the trip across the country in a blue Volkswagen, and I remember riding on the forks of a forklift in an open wooden bin, one used to ship peaches from the orchards.  I don’t remember much else.

The transfer is a little choppy and I will try to capture a smaller version so that it isn’t so choppy… but I hope my brother gets a chance to see it.

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