Wow… we made it to our first stop. Had technical issues today with the new laptop trying to get geocache data onto the GPS… Finally licked the problem after we got to the room last night.
The Book Bug got to see some pretty cool stuff yesterday:
- An old barn
- The Andalusia Public Library in Andalusia Alabama
- “Hey Good Looking” Geocache location.
- Giles County Public Library
- “Welcome to Giles County” Geocache location.
Stop 1. The old barn off of hwy 55 about 5 miles south of Andalusia. We’ve driven by here many times and I thought it would be cool to show a place where bugs like to crawl… An old barn. There were lots of old barns across the country, they’re disappearing rapidly, either by falling down or being torn down by their owners. This barn is long past its hey day but there are all kinds of bugs living inside and under the boards where the boards touch the ground.
Stop 2. Andalusia public library. The librarians on staff here are really nice and wished us and the book bug good luck on our long journey. You can see the library and the bug. Andalusia also has the “Catch the Reading Bug” program this summer.
Stop 3. This location is the boyhood home of Hank Williams. It is in Georgiana, Alabama. We found the Geocache pretty fast and moved on toward places where the sun is up all night.
Stop 4. The Giles County Public Library in Pulaski, County Tennessee. We talked to the librarians on staff here and found out that all libraries in Tennessee are using space exploration for their theme. Nancy checked out the Children’s section for the kids back home and we took a picture of her and the Book Bug in this castle. We also noticed there was an area set up for puppet shows. Here is a picture of the Book bug on the Circulation Desk at GCPL. In the picture to the right you can barely see the “Book Bug” on the right side of the banner.
Stop 5. “Welcome to Giles County” Geocache location. Giles County Tennessee was Named after Senator and Governor from Virginia. He was very important in getting Tennessee admitted as one of the States in the Union.
We also stopped at the Kentucky and Illinois borders.
Here are some pictures. The Book bug is in them all.

Stop 3. Hank Williams boyhood home and Museum geocache site