We did tourist stuff today. Took book bug with us and went to a flea market where they don’t sell fleas… Nan bought a fleece and we visited Bernd and Susan Richter‘s table at the flea market. Bernd and Susan are authors of childrens books about Alaska. Nan bought some books to read and Bernd gave Nan two books for the Library. Bernd autographed all of the books. We explained what the Travel bug was and how we’re visiting libraries and geocaching along this trip and then Nan and Book bug got a photo op with Bernd and Susan…Susan held the bug for the photo.

It just so happens that Elmendorf AFB is having it’s open house and air show this weekend. We were treated to the Air Force Thunderbirds doing some of their airshow maneuvers over Anchorage and I was able to snap a couple of pics as the flew by, they were off in the distance, so kind of hard to see.

We went to the mall for a little so Daniel could look around for a while and we did some souvenir shopping. One of the souvenir shops apparently was a Woolworths five and dime store years ago. After we did some walking around and found a geocache. Book bug liked this one too but it’s not quite time to release him yet… soon, but not yet. We found the library but it was closed and will be open in the afternoon for a few hours, so we’ll go there for a little while tomorrow.
There is a lot of buzz going around town this week because it’s the 50th anniversary of the June 30th 1958 approval of the Alaska Statehood Act allowing Alaska to become the 49th in the Union. The state was admitted officially on January 3rd, 1959 when President Eisenhower signed the bill into law.

Here are some pictures we took today: