And I’m absolutely amazed at the technology of Google maps and GPS etc… Google maps says the route we planned on taking was 4517 miles and that it would take 3 Days plus 6 hours of driving time… 72+6 = 78 hours… With the pit stop at Mom’s, our GPS odometer got 4637 miles with 79 hours and 28 minutes of moving time.
Book bug took a break today. He came out when we crossed the border into Alaska, but for the most part he rested today. He was pretty tired and said we could visit the Anchorage library tomorrow.
The border crossing was cool… There is a monument at the border between the Yukon and Alaska… it’s on the 141st meridian… the cool thing I noticed is that the 141st meridian seems to be mowed, or groomed or treated or however you want to put it… These pictures were taken today on the border looking south… If you click on the picture to the left, it will open a larger version of the picture… note the distinct notch in the tree line on the horizon directly above the book bug on the top of the monument.

We noticed a small crack this morning in the windshield… turns out that a small stone hit the windshield a couple of days ago… when I put the defroster on today one of the cracks streaked across the windshield in about half a minute. We’ll have it replaced when we get home, our insurance and AAA covers it… yes we’re members of AAA.
Here are some of today’s pictures…