Random stuff.

Well, I got word from my brother and he seems impressed with the movie that I posted last month.  I need to recapture all of the film because I captured it as regular 8mm and it’s actually Super 8mm.  The sprocket holes in the film are smaller.
I had a hard drive failure over the weekend and had to replace the drive in my primary machine, fortunately I didn’t lose anything.  In an attempt to move away from pay-for operating systems like Windows, I’m giving Ubuntu Linux a serious try.  I loaded it up on this maching and so far I’ve gone 5 days without having any problems trying to find a piece of software to do what I would do on my windows machine (except the video editor).  Will follow up as time permits.
We bought a new game for the Wii called Wii Sports Resort.  Lots of fun… We’ve had what seems like ALL of Chris’ friends over almost every night.  It’s actually fun having them all around.
For now, that’s about it… I wanted to test out a new theme that I found on the WordPress themes site.