Well we haven’t been able to completely lick the rat problem here at Casa De Cardinal. Just when we think we’ve got ‘em all we hear them in the attic again.
About 6 months ago I put wire mesh in the attic vent to keep ‘em out and they still come. I’ve since found where they’re coming in… The AC refrigerant line into the house. So I bought a new Victor electronic rat trap. Thing works great… no mess.

I got it at the Home Depot. Not bad for the price. Just make sure you empty it out ASAP after each kill, rotten rats destroy the trap.
We put a camera on the trap so we know when it has a guest. I’ve decided to put the most recent picture from the camera where I can get to it from anywhere with my phone. It’s available from anywhere at https://tom-nan.com/ratcam/ratcam.html. I’ll leave it up and maybe update this space as new things happen with this project.