One Love, Netbook, Morse Code and 3 Weddings

Been to a car show, three weddings, got a netbook, and I’m learning Morse Code all since the last post.  I guess since I post once every 4 months I need to work on it a little more frequently.  Lets take it from the beginning…

1. In July I bought a netbook computer.  The wireless card seems like it disappeared from the laptop we bought for the Alaska Trip.  I do like the battery life on this thing.  I close it and it goes to sleep… I open it and unsuspend and it’s good to go again… I get about 5 or 6 days out of a charge on the battery.  It’s a Toshiba NB255-250 and it’s pretty sweet.  Does everything I need it to do, the only drawback is it’s got a copy of Windows 7 Basic on it and I’m considering putting a different OS on it.

2.  Wedding 1:  Daniel and Holli got married on September 5th… I put some of the pics on facebook.  Since I’m not near the main PC, I don’t have access to all the pictures I took that day.  But Nan and Sueann did an awesome job putting the wedding together… It was the nicest wedding I’ve ever had the opportunity to attend and they put it together in a mere 3 weeks… it was a crash plan wedding as I call it.

3.  Wedding 2:  My Mom and Stepdad renewed their vows for their 25th anniversary.  We were there and got to be the only people (other than the two of them) who were at both of their weddings.

4.  Wedding 3:  Friends of ours in the local Scikotics chapter were married on the 29th of October.  Work kept us away but we did attend the reception.  It was a nice reception.

5.  One Love car show:  On Saturday Oct 30 our local scicotics chapter hosted One Love 4.0.   The show was shorter than last year and I got to participate as one of five judges.  My first time ever as a judge in a car show.

6.  Morse code:  The FCC stopped requiring Morse Code exams for the higher amateur radio classes in December 2006.  I’ve since upgraded my license to General and then Amateur Extra without knowing Morse Code.  In September I started going to Monday night code classes to learn to send and receive morse and have since been able to pass what would have been the FCC Morse Code exam so people can’t call me a no-code extra any more :).

That’s about it for now.

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