Happy New Year – 2011

Well here we sit, the beginning of another year on this blue marble we call earth.  2010 was good to us, 2011 started out a little bad, and things can get better…  I spent part of the first week of the year sick and on antibiotics… Seems I’m getting bronchitis now almost every year… Will see an allergist soon I have an appointment in early Feb…  Nan’s been a little under the weather too.  I hope for all who read this that 2011 will be better than 2010 and I hope that everyone remains healthy and safe.

On a sad note, a close friend of ours, Grandma Penny, passed away this past Sunday.  She’d been fighting asthma and pneumonia for quite some time and she’s with Jesus now.  I thank God that she doesn’t have to fight now and my prayers are with Sueann and her family.

The weather here has been strange lately… for the Florida Panhandle anyway… we’re a little warmer than normal right now and we get cold fronts that bring colder than normal weather in here much like we’re further north in the winter time.  We’re supposed to get a good bout of rain tomorrow and a front and we’ll be in the 20s on Saturday morning and I guess on Sunday morning as well.  I still dust off the old forecasting skills every now and then and look at some of the weather charts… the forecast models are better than in the old days, but now there’s too much stuff to look at… In the old days the model we had went out 72 hours, now it goes out 384 hours…

I’ve been busy with a few projects… I mentioned I’ve been learning Morse Code to use on the air… well tonight I bought my own morse key and keyer to hook up to the radio.  I cleaned the radio shack/computer room out and got some storage to organize stuff so it’s not all out and always cluttered… now I just have to follow through and finish the job.  For leisure I’ve been digitizing some of my vinyl albums… stuff that I haven’t listened to in years because it’s kind of awkward to yank out the vinyl, the turntable and hook it up to the stereo etc etc etc… I can put it on the ipod and save space AND money because I own so many records… Over the years I bought some CDs to replace albums or cassettes that I had, but now I’m finding the sound quality of a digitized (analog) vinyl record is superior to ripping a cd with a CD ripper… There’s a different quality, and no… it’s not scratches and pops because I have software that can clean some of that up.  Maybe I’ll do a how-to on how I’m doing it… I don’t claim to be the worlds best vinyl digitizer.. but my process works for me.

Until next time… Happy New Year.

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