Paperless Geocaching Works

*** Note: Christmas 2021 update – This post was written long before the Geocaching app came out for cell phones. We used GSAK to do the paperless stuff and lugged around a netbook to do what you can do today (2021) with a cell phone.

Aside from a few technical issues, we spent a few hours on the hunt today.  Searched for 10 and had 2 DNFs:


Nan took a couple of pictures on her phone, I’m putting them here for everyone to look at…

Tom and Jordan at Little Marler Park Cache – At:
Our first DNF today, HEar, See, Speak no Cache – At:

By the way… these are actually the the first pictures of ME geocaching… The pictures we used to take on our adventures were of her… I forgot to bring the camera so I got to be the subject rather than the photog…

On our two did not finds… Hear, see, speak no cache is in a pretty busy area, There was too much traffic and we attracted some attention of Uptown Station Security.  This spot looks like it’s right on the edge of the uptown station grounds…  I explained what we were doing and he said to have fun and that he hopes we find whatever it is we were looking for… we gave up after a while and will look again someday soon.

The last one, Where Eagles Serve #2 was a busy spot too… There were a LOT of people playing frisbee golf today… must be a weekend. This cache was definitely an interesting location, but we didn’t stay too long because we didn’t want to get hit in the head by a frisbee disk; the area we suspect as GZ is slightly out of view from the tee-off area for the nearby “hole”. Speaking of holes there are a lot of potential hiding spots for this cache…

As far as going paperless, we did it.  We were out for about 3 and a half hours today.  There were a few technical issues when the netbook couldn’t browse, but we did make attempts at more caches than we’re ever done in one day. We usually go after about 5 or 6 and then quit…

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