I’ve gone to the dark side… Partly gone to the dark side anyway. I went out today and bought a Mac mini.
es, I agree with Nan that I didn’t NEED it, but I wanted it so I could learn all about Mac’s. I still have the Windows 7 64bit beast and I won’t be giving it up any time soon, All of our pictures, my development tools, and my music is on it.
The Mac mini entry level system has an Intel Core i5 running at 2.3 GHz and 2GB of 1333 RAM. FOr the non-geekers out there it’s kind of on the slow side if it were a Windows PC… BUT, I’m told the Operating System is slimmed down. It doesn’t have to support the wide range of hardware that Windows tries to support… It only has to run on systems built by Apple… so, I was initially expecting it to be a little sluggish, but it’s not. It came with OS X Lion 10.7 and hooks to a standard keyboard, mouse, and monitor. I’m surprised at how smoothly it runs.
So… Now I get to learn all about how the innards of how this system works too, and I’ll get to play around with interoperability of it with both Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux. Will probably be playing a lot with remote desktop so that I don’t need extra monitors, keyboards and mice.
You can read all about the Mac mini on Apples’s web site (www.apple.com). When you get there just pick the Mac menu and then click on the Mac mini.
I included the picture so you could get an idea of how small the box is, EVERYTHING fit inside of the box. Power cord, video adaptor, user manual, and the Mac mini.