Changes abound!

We’ve moved our site(s) to a new host.  No complaints about our old host but our new one is really cool.
We’re kick-starting the blogs back up, as you can see by recent activity we’ve been pretty quiet.  Nan has a cooking blog, it’s been up for a year and a half and she’s been developing some pretty awesome content there.
In my opinion, Facebook has been stealing our ideas and content… not literally, but figuratively.  We’ve been spending way more time there posting good content that could be on our blogs… Things like photos, stories about what we’re up to and so on… so I’m going to make a more concerted effort to spend less time posting stuff on Facebook and more time posting stuff here. 🙂
We have four sites now:


Truth is, we could post everything on one blog and be done with it, but what fun would that be? Actually, we’re trying to keep things separated, Nancy’s Cooking stuff will always be on, our travel stuff will be here on this one and my ham radio stuff will be on… well we’re eventually going to be dumping our Internet service provider and going exclusively mobile, because of that we’ll need to migrate off of email addresses that we’ve had since before 9/11. Cable is getting close to a hundred bucks a month; we’re already saving over a hundred a month by not carrying a loaded down cable TV plan with 300 channels worth of crap we’ll never watch. We cut the cord for good back in 2010.
So. You’ll see posts from Nan’s blog listed on the top of the front page here, and I’m considering bringing some other content in too… maybe some of our facebook, twitter or instagram posts. The point is, as the title of this post suggests… there will be changes abound as we try different stuff on these sites.

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