Well, it’s here again, that time of year where we gather together and give thanks to God for what we have. This year we traveled to Mom’s house.
Things that I’m thankful for are plentiful. Although life has brought us lemons, we’re making lemonade. Daniel and Todd are staying with us till the end of the school year as they get over a rough bump in life. Nancy broke her ankle and a category 5 hurricane hit near Chris’s house but did no damage yet there were places completely obliterated just a few miles east of his house. We have friends who didn’t fare as well, though they’ve lost most of their worldly possessions, they are all safe and for this I’m thankful.
This year we went to see two community theater presentations. We saw Noises Off, a hilarious play where each of the three acts contains a performance of the first act of a play within a play, a sex farce called Nothing On. We laughed our butts off. The other production we saw was The Little Mermaid which we enjoyed.
I’ve been working to consolidate our three blogs into one network installation. We have three for a reason, one is Nancy’s Kitchen cooking blog, one our every-day blog and one is Tom’s tech/Ham radio blog. Maintaining three installations of WordPress on one server and getting them to update and sync SSL certificates was a little “iffy” and “fun”. The transition is interesting, URLs to some of the pictures on out trip to Alaska were broken. I’m working to fix those.
Of course I’m still into the camera, one of the things that I’ve always enjoyed, but allowed my iPhone, Facebook, and Instagram to consume my time instead of these blogs. I took a few photos outside today with the trusty DSLR:

I ask everyone who reads this to pray for those who are less fortunate. I ask for you to pray for the victims of the terrible fires in California and other places that are not as publicized in the mass media. I ask you to pray fo the victims of Hurricanes Florence and Michael.