We’re still here

I’ve stated several time and expressed desire to keep this blog alive, we’re on our fifth or sixth hosting service. We started with a local friend who provided hosting services, then I moved it to Netfirms, then I self-hosted at Hurricane Electric. From HE I moved it to a self hosted Linode. After that I moved it to WordPress.com. Most recently I moved it back to Linode. I and still determined to keep the blog alive. We own 4 domains and on one of them I host my own email service since 2017.

We’ve of course been busy, Nan retired at the beginning of 2023 and now she’s busier than she ever was while she worked. For the new year, 2024, She took up diamond art painting, many of them are pretty.

We took a nice trip last Autumn to Western North Carolina and Northern Georgia. I’ll blog about it here and post-date it back to the time we returned.