
In the words of Timbuk 3 “The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades“… I updated the software that runs this blog last night and can’t help but marvel at how connected we are. Yes, I’m a technology geek… always have been.  We’ve gotten to a point where we take for granted things that were … Read more

It's been a while

Haven’t done much with the blog  because I’ve had a lot of things going on…  We did go Geocaching a few weeks back and I FINALLY dropped off the bugs that we picked up on the Alaska trip. Currently, I’m in Omaha, Nebraska on business and I got to see snow fall from the sky … Read more

Random Stuff

Yesterday I received an email from a friend that goes WAAAYYYYY back to 1984 and my broadcast radio days, will see if we can catch up. and see how he’s doing.  Apparently he didn’t stay in California either… Nan and I are planning on doing some Geocaching this weekend.  Saw a really cool MMA movie … Read more

A Homebrew Balun

Well, since things are slow around here… I’ll talk a bit about one of my ham radio projects. I built a balun last week… For those of you who are ham operators you know what a balun is… for those who are not: a balun is a device used to match a balanced antenna to … Read more

A pain in the butt

The pictures from our trip have been stuck on the laptop for a while.  For some reason my large removable drive doesn’t connect properly to the laptop so I had to work hard to get the pictures into our archive and onto a machine we can use to create a DVD. I’m using hard drive … Read more