More iptables fun

When I was making rules for the firewall earlier this week, I set up logging for when people attempted to connect to our network using automated tools.  Many times people who know nothing about the underlying ports and protocols will use automated tools to try and break into a computer on the Internet; they’re called … Read more

iptables Firewall fun

WARNING:  This is a technical geeky post my Internet firewall… friends and family not interested need to read no further… For friends and family still with me here, iptables is the software in my Internet firewall that keeps the big bad Internet hackers from poking at my computers and causing problems. I’ve been studying  the … Read more

Stupid Chinese Phishers

Hilarious… I just got an email that LOOKs like it’s from my ISPs tech support stating that my email box was over it’s size limit and that I need to send my username date of birth and my password.  I guess they think people are stupid… It is true that some people don’t understand how … Read more

Random stuff.

Well, I got word from my brother and he seems impressed with the movie that I posted last month.  I need to recapture all of the film because I captured it as regular 8mm and it’s actually Super 8mm.  The sprocket holes in the film are smaller. I had a hard drive failure over the … Read more

Vista Administrator "quirks"

In case your Administrator account can’t seem to edit stuff it’s “supposed” to edit… Just wasted nearly half an hour trying to mod my hosts file on my vista laptop… ya I know… why run vista when I could run a flavor of Linux… Truthfully I have a few Linux boxes here on the network, … Read more