Attempt to link to Twitter

We’re trying to link what we post onto Twitter. Please disregard any nonsense posts until the plug-in is installed and working.  I.E. there will be some test posting until I get it right. This post should appear in my twitter stream.

Happy New Year – 2011

Well here we sit, the beginning of another year on this blue marble we call earth.  2010 was good to us, 2011 started out a little bad, and things can get better…  I spent part of the first week of the year sick and on antibiotics… Seems I’m getting bronchitis now almost every year… Will … Read more

Rats… Literally

Well we haven’t been able to completely lick the rat problem here at Casa De Cardinal.  Just when we think we’ve got ‘em all we hear them in the attic again.About 6 months ago I put wire mesh in the attic vent to keep ‘em out and they still come. I’ve since found where they’re … Read more

Bathroom is almost done.

Nan has been taking pictures of the progress… although it’s slow, it is steady.  We have a functional bathroom right now, Greg, our contractor has about a day of work left.  Here are some pictures that we’ve taken… first of the demolition and then some of the work during the rebuild. Demolition Photos. Rebuild Photos

The never ending remodeling saga

Just when you think you’re starting to get things where you think you want them, something else goes south. We were NOT planning to re-do the bathroom… but guess what… we are.  Turns out the hole in our tub where the drain is was severely rusted through to the point where water was leaking under … Read more