The book bug did a lot of moving yesterday. It went to the Rantoul Public Library, in Rantoul Illinois and made an attempt at finding a Geocache near there called “Fishers First Cache”. Then we drove by Bloomington, Illinois, and Normal, Illinois… If people from New York are called New Yorkers, and people from New Orleans are called New Orleaneans, what do they call people from Normal? After Illinois it went to Wisconsin where cows make cheese and then another Geocache. It finished the day in Bloomington, Minnesota, home of the Mall of America. The Mall of America is the largest mall in America and even sports a Roller Coaster INSIDE of the mall.
Stop 1. The Rantoul Public Library. Rantoul, Illinois is the city next to where Chanute AFB used to be. Chanute was where the Air Force trained a LOT of people. Tom went there for Weather Observing School, and Weather Forecasting school. We went to the library where Tom used to bowl. Yes, the Library is where the bowling alley used to be. Book Bug went to the Children’s department to see what the kids in Rantoul were doing for a summer reading program.
Stop 2. We made an attempt to find “Fisher’s First Cache” and it appears there has been some recent excavation work here. We found part of a plastic container and declared a did not find. Maybe it’s still there but it really looked like a bad location for a cache at this time.
Stop 3. Wisconsin Border. When we crossed the Wisconsin Border we stopped at the Welcome Center. The Book Bug got to see a statue of a cow. Cows make Milk and people use milk to make cheese. Wisconsin is famous for it’s cheese.
Stop 4. Geocache location “No More Road”. There were a lot of mosquitos here. The cache was at the end of a really nice walking trail… the terrain was a little steep at times but we found the cache lying right out in the open.
Stop 5. The Cheese place. We needed to stop for some gas. There was a cheese store just up the street. We took some pictures of the store just because.
Here are some pictures from day 2.