Well We’re here. Covered a lot of ground today… noticing gas mileage is lower when ethanol is in the tank. We got 19mpg with ethanol in the tank and 23 with RFG. did some calculations and the gas is cheaper to buy the super without the ethanol than it does to buy regular with the ethanol… here it is by the numbers…
10 gallons at 4.39 of super unleaded without ethanol gets me 230 miles…
10 gallons at 3.99 of regular unleaded gets me 190 miles…
All told it’s a 40 mile difference. At 19 mpg it takes just over 2 gallons to make up the difference. We’ll round it to $4 for numbers… so it takes $8 to make up the 40 mile difference. 39.99 + $8 = 40 – 48… so it takes roughly $48 bucks to go the same difference that the $44 tank of super takes me. Keep in mind this is doing 75 miles per hour…
Granted we’re talking super versus regular but there is also ethanol in there too…
Edit November 14, 2018 – Here’s a couple of pictures from this day:

What’s all this about Gas We don’t want to hear about that Just the fun stuff. are things are you two fighting yet. you two fighting yet you always do on a trip LOL. Well have fun and be safe. Love ya all