Well, we’re here. Got here at about 3 this afternoon. We did some Geocaching… visited two. and went to the “0” milepost. Things are going pretty well haven’t had any problems so far with the trip… We HAVE had technical issues with one of our GPS units… It seems the Garmin eTrex Vista decides it doesn’t always want to show us that it’s 2008… I’ve seen 2024 and 1994 on it and some other strange year… It takes FOREVER to get a lock when it does this… I need to contact Garmin for a replacement or repairs.
When we drove through Grand Prarie, Alberta today we stopped at the library (of course) and met the children’s staff. They were excited about what we’re doing. Their summer reading program is on Laugh Out Loud or LOL for short… but the Children’s Librarian did have a catch the reading bug pamphlet that she said she got from British Columbia.
When we got to the the provincial border between Alberta and British Columbia we got out of the car for the standard tourist photo op and even took Book Bug out for it.. he’s in the pictures… Nan got busy looking for rocks and I was busy taking other pictures and we each thought the other picked up the Book Bug. We LEFT Book bug at the border… but got about 3 kilometers down the road when we figured out our mistake and did a U-turn… Book Bug was right there waiting for us when we got back. We took him to two geocaches this evening and to the 0 mile marker for the Alaska Highway. Both geocaches were pretty easy to find and they were both within a kilometer of our hotel.
Tomorrow is the day we begin driving the famous Alaska Highway. It was built as a US Military project as a supply route to the Alaska Territory (Alaska was a territory at the time) in the early days of WWII. Retired US Army Colonel Boulton B. Miller wrote an Autobiography about his life… chapter 3 covers a little about the construction of the Alaska Highway from an insiders perspective. You can find it at: http://boultonmiller.com/Handonsh3.htm. The full text of his autobiography can be read online from his home page at http://boultonmiller.com.
Here are some photos from today:

Ok, Jody and I got a laugh about how you put all the gas breakdown and calculations in here….geek like! Looks like you guys are having a blast and I enjoy the pictures too. Safe travels, Kathy
This is so much fun to read and I cannot believe how far you have gone! Enjoy the Alaska Highway – I expect lots of details since I will be making that trip next year.
Your fellow librarian,