Well it’s been a little over a month since our last post and it’s been pretty busy around here. We’ve changed out and finished the garage door and changed out all of the drywall on that end of the garage. We’ve cased the new windows (3 years since I put them in) with casings and window sills and molding too. The walls in the room don’t have holes anymore and the HUGE crack in the ceiling in the living room is gone too. The last thing of consequence is I got a new electrical permit and I started working on the power upgrade in the house… the inside box is nice and tidy now… will post a pic of that when it’s finished.
Nan’s sister Linda and her family moved down from New York. They’re staying with us for a short time until we can help them get a place… We’ve almost gotten all of the details worked out, and they will be moving into their own place in a week and a half.
On top of all of this, I’m back in school… Like a dummy I decided to try and take TWO graduate courses this term… With all or the other stuff going on I should have waited one more term… Remind me to only take one class per term from now on… these classes are kicking my butt.
I haven’t had ANY time to fix my amateur radio antenna; My 2 meter J-Pole antenna broke a couple of weeks ago, I have some soldering to do. All of the HF wire antennas are down for now as well… I took them down before Tropical Depression IDA moved through here last week… It was NOT a hurricane OR a Tropical Storm when it came through here… we got 34 knot winds and that’s it.
One of my friends from my AF days and his wife had a baby this morning (Nov 15th at 3:05AM). News I have is mother and baby are fine. Why do babies come in the wee hours… Daniel and Chris were both born before first light. Looking forward to going over to see the new arrival in a couple of days.
Some other news, Chris got a haircut just before Halloween. He and Natalie went to a masquerade party dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
The only other thing new is I’ve joined the Facebook revolution. I’ve been a member for a little over a week and I’ve made contact with friends and family that I haven’t seen in years. The Internet is an amazing tool… but it can be used against us if we’re not careful. I can’t believe how far back and how long it’s been since I’ve talked to some of the people I’ve already made contact with.
Here are a couple of pics I’ve shot in the past week or so…