The other day I discovered a new bug… er’ I mean feature on my phone… The ability to do panoramic photography… but the weather stunk so I had to wait till today to try it out… I went to the Old Market section of Omaha, down by the riverfront to check out the flooding, and over by the TD Ameritrade Stadium while the Virginia and California College World Series game was underway. So… here’s a few panoramic pics and a little explanation on what’s in them.

This horse and buggy is shaped like a pumpkin. I imagine at night they light it up and it probably looks awesome.

This is lake in a park near the river.

The Missouri River about 12 feet higher than normal. I was here a couple of weeks ago and the lower walkway was only about 5 feet above the water level. The current was just amazing.

This is the front of TD Ameritrade Stadium, The new home of the College World Series.

This is about a 180 degree pan across the street from the first pan with the horse and buggy.
Pretty awesome capability in the new phone… I’m impressed, I hope you like it too.