A Dog’s Life

This is Milo: Since I’ve started working from home nearly a year ago, I’ve found that this is how he occupies many of his days. I posted a lot of his pictures on Facebook, but practically none here. So… here’s Milo! Have a great day!

Active Light

Ok… What’s Tom talking about now? Well… I was browsing the net and came across the tale of Neil and Nancy Sirman and their “Amazing Geriatric Adventures aboard the terrific sailing vessel  Active Light”. They set sail on a voyage to circumnavigate the world.  Along the way the spent a year in Mexico, about 14 … Read more

Circuit City – 8 Days Left

We went to Circuit City again today… They’re down to about 11 TVs… One is damaged… the rest are pretty big… between 46 and 52 inch and most above the $1200 range.  They’re running out of stuff pretty fast.  We picked up a 40 inch LCD the other day when they had about 25 TVs … Read more

Rant: Digital TV Transition

I recently went to Omaha, Nebraska on a business trip… it happened to be during the time of what I would call the “original” Digital TV transition date… If you’ve watched ANY TV in the last 15 months or so you’ve most likely seen all the public service messages with people walking in dry cracked … Read more

Vista Administrator "quirks"

In case your Administrator account can’t seem to edit stuff it’s “supposed” to edit… Just wasted nearly half an hour trying to mod my hosts file on my vista laptop… ya I know… why run vista when I could run a flavor of Linux… Truthfully I have a few Linux boxes here on the network, … Read more