Day 7 – Almost There!

Well it appears there’s WIFI available in the Laundry room of the hotel so… here we are again.  We covered about 360 miles today.  We moved on three geocaches.  The first was in the sign forest, in Watson Lake. There are over 60,000 signs here.  The sign forest started in 1942 during the construction of … Read more

Day 6 – A Haul

We’re in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory. Yesterday was a haul, I can do 600 miles on regular roads in about 9 and a half hours… this run was longer due to road conditions.  The road to Fort Nelson, British Columbia was pretty nice; The road between Fort Nelson and Here was pretty good until you … Read more

Day 5 Arrived Safely at Dawson Creek, BC

Well, we’re here.  Got here at about 3 this afternoon.  We did some Geocaching… visited two. and went to the “0” milepost. Things are going pretty well haven’t had any problems so far with the trip… We HAVE had technical issues with one of our GPS units… It seems the Garmin eTrex Vista decides it … Read more

Day 4 – Made it to Edmonton

Well We’re here.  Covered a lot of ground today… noticing gas mileage is lower when ethanol is in the tank. We got 19mpg with ethanol in the tank and 23 with RFG. did some calculations and the gas is cheaper to buy the super without the ethanol than it does to buy regular with the … Read more

What we’re up to

We’ve been asked why we aren’t seeing things and going places.  Our goal was to get to Edmonton, Alberta and then slow down.  We will get there today.  We like to Geocache ( and Nancy is traveling to the libraries so the children she works with at the library can follow us.  We’re having fun … Read more