A Dog’s Life

This is Milo: Since I’ve started working from home nearly a year ago, I’ve found that this is how he occupies many of his days. I posted a lot of his pictures on Facebook, but practically none here. So… here’s Milo! Have a great day!

A Christmas Memory

I have a vivid memory of a Christmas gift I received when I was 7. Mom had gotten me a football and wrapped it in aluminum foil. Me being a kid who liked Hershey’s kisses, THOUGHT Mom gave me a big piece of chocolate for Christmas and I tried to take a big bite out … Read more

Thanksgiving 2018

Well, it’s here again, that time of year where we gather together and give thanks to God for what we have. This year we traveled to Mom’s house. Things that I’m thankful for are plentiful. Although life has brought us lemons, we’re making lemonade. Daniel and Todd are staying with us till the end of … Read more