Day 11 – Moving Day

We dropped Mom and Daniel at the Airport this morning and we’re moving to Seward for tomorrow’s cruise.  Staying in a B&B tonight. We stopped and hiked on the Byron Glacier Trail while we were on the way to Seward and and went to the Alaska Sea Life Center in when we got here. Here … Read more

Day 10 – A quiet day

We’re staying and Mom’s flying home in the morning… Actually she’s going to visit my brother and his family in Cali.  We lined up her tickets when we were in Whitehorse.  Nan and I are going on a 9 1/2 hour cruise Tuesday to check out glaciers and some of the marine wildlife. We took … Read more

Day 9 – Tourist mode

We did tourist stuff today.  Took book bug with us and went to a flea market where they don’t sell fleas… Nan bought a fleece and we visited Bernd and Susan Richter‘s table at the flea market.  Bernd and Susan are authors of childrens books about Alaska.  Nan bought some books to read and Bernd … Read more

Day 5 Arrived Safely at Dawson Creek, BC

Well, we’re here.  Got here at about 3 this afternoon.  We did some Geocaching… visited two. and went to the “0” milepost. Things are going pretty well haven’t had any problems so far with the trip… We HAVE had technical issues with one of our GPS units… It seems the Garmin eTrex Vista decides it … Read more

What we’re up to

We’ve been asked why we aren’t seeing things and going places.  Our goal was to get to Edmonton, Alberta and then slow down.  We will get there today.  We like to Geocache ( and Nancy is traveling to the libraries so the children she works with at the library can follow us.  We’re having fun … Read more