We left Fairbanks and began making our way back home. We saw two moose today, Nancy wasn’t quick enough with the camera and it scampered off into the woods… we got a couple of good pictures of it’s butt as it scampered off…

We also saw two coyotes… we took pictures of the first… the second one was scared off by the whistles on the front of the car…

We saw two bears… the first was a light brown grizzly, munching on some weeds in the treeline, the second was a darker brown bear munching on weeds closer to the road…

And finally for wildlife we saw a momma duck and her ducklings…

Of course we saw the road and the trees and the construction etc… The road wasn’t quite as busy as it was last week, I think with the 4th of July and with the first of July being Canada Day I believe things are a little slow and will probably pick up a bit in the next day or so.
We have NOT dropped the book bug off yet as we haven’t found a geocache suitable for him, and we’re thinking we may release him in Whitehorse tomorrow. Here are some of the other pictures we took today: