We’re in Billings, Montana. We got here yesterday afternoon and we covered more ground in the shortest amount of time than any other time on this trip. Mostly due to the higher speed limit here, but also due to the fact that there’s not much here to see except big skies, lots of ranches and almost no trees. The car is averaging about 23.4 mpg and gas is down to 4.09… the lowest we’ve seen since leaving the states a couple of weeks ago.
There weren’t many attractions that we wanted to stop for and the Garmin Vista is on the fritz again, going to call Garmin today to find out if they believe the unit is faulty… the Street Pilot and the eTrex Legend aren’t missing a beat, so it appears that he Vista has some sort of fault.
Nan took a lot of pictures from the car yesterday, mostly to show what the scenery is like… here’s a few: